Engagement Model

Each problem requires a unique solution, and we strive to deliver innovative solutions to our clients to help them achieve market success. At KGS Technology Group, we have developed a range of engagement models that cater to different services and solutions while aligning with industry expectations.

Dedicated Offshore Team

Our Dedicated Offshore Team engagement model allows clients to set up and expand resources per their requirements. Our highly qualified team comprises talented individuals, including PhDs, Post Graduates, and Engineers from reputed institutions, with diverse skills under one roof. We maintain strong links with domain skills and have access to the end-user community.

Our transparent and quick responses ensure that our clients receive exceptional service, including faster turnarounds and well-defined tailored processes, making us the clients' extended team. We offer a cost-effective solution that helps our clients fit development costs within their budgets. Our team's expertise goes beyond development as we provide services to maintain, sustain, and support projects, adhering to well-defined IPR practices.

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Fixed Time/Fixed Price Projects

Our Fixed Time/Fixed Price Projects engagement model is ideal for clients who require a phased delivery approach. We establish predetermined timelines, budgets, and deliverables to meet all needs. This model offers advantages such as resource management, schedule preparation, cost and time estimation, budgeting, and proposal development, which are all transparent. Standard steps are followed for each project stage, including requirements gathering, blueprinting, development/implementation, testing, and documentation.

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Time and Material Projects

Our Time and Material Projects engagement model offers clients skilled resources on a time and material basis. This model suits clients who require flexible resources, especially when working with relatively new technology susceptible to spontaneous changes. Clients are billed based on the resources they utilize, including manpower, billable hours, and specialized software/hardware/infrastructure requirements. The client can adjust the project resources based on their evolving needs.

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BOOT (Build, Organize, Operate, and Transfer)

Finally, our BOOT (Build, Organize, Operate, and Transfer) engagement model provides an end-to-end solution for clients who want to set up a development facility in India. We help our clients hire, build, and manage a team until the client's development facility is ready, and then we hand over the team to the client. This model suits companies that want the team to be operational from day one, with all hiring, team building, and project management handled by KGS Technology Group.